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Washing Window

1. Cleaning & Disinfection

  • Suspending and/or modifying the use of shared items and resources. Suspending the use of water fountains, encouraging the use of reusable water bottles and providing students with their own individual school supplies to the extent practicable. 


  • Staff will clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces at school at least daily. As practicable, these surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected frequently throughout the day. These include, door handles, light switches, sink handles, bathroom surfaces, tables, student desks, chairs, etc. 


  • Limit use and sharing of objects and equipment, such as toys, games, art supplies and playground equipment to the extent practicable. When shared use is allowed, they will be cleaned and disinfected between uses.


  • When choosing disinfecting products, we will use those approved for use against COVID-19 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- approved list “N” and follow product instructions.


  • Staff will ensure safe and correct application of disinfectant and will keep products away from students at all times.  


2. Cohorting


  • Students will remain in a consistent, small cohort to the greatest extent practicable. This includes during instruction, snack/lunch breaks and recess.


  • Contact with other groups will be minimized or avoided to the greatest extent practicable. 


3. Entrance/Movement within School

  • Parents will utilize a drop-off/pick-up system to avoid contact between parents and the school community.


  • Staggered drop-off/pick-up times to avoid crowded areas. 


  • Hallways will be used in a one-way format to the greatest extent practicable.


  • Classes will have scheduled times of movement when moving to another area of campus. 

Mask Display

4. Face Coverings


  • Face coverings are required for all staff and students


  • Face coverings must be used in accordance with CDPH guidelines unless a person is exempt as explained in the guidelines, particularly in indoor environments and areas where physical distancing alone is not sufficient to prevent disease transmission.


  • Students and staff will be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently.


  • All staff and families in the school community will be provided with information on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.​

Doctor Checking a Form

5. Health Screenings


  • All staff and students will be required to have a wellness check before entering campus each day. This includes conducting a visual wellness check for any signs of illness, asking if they, their child, or anyone in their home is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. This also includes a temperature check with a no-touch thermometer. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher will not be permitted to enter campus. 


  • Staff and students who are sick or who have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 are required to stay home.


  • If a student is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, staff should communicate with the parent/caregiver and the student should be sent home immediately. The student exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will immediately be placed in a designated isolation room.

Washing Hands

6. Healthy Hygiene 


  • Students will be taught and reinforced to wash hands, avoid contact with one’s eyes, nose and mouth, and covering coughs and sneezes among students and staff. 


  • Teach students and remind staff to use tissue to wipe their nose and to cough/sneeze inside a tissue or their elbow.


  • Students and staff should wash their hands frequently throughout the day using hand washing stations including before and after eating; after coughing or sneezing; after classes where they handle shared items and before and after using the restroom. 


  • Students and staff should wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap, rubbing thoroughly after application.


  • Staff should model and practice hand washing with lower grade levels. Staff should monitor proper hand washing practices for students in lower grade levels. 


  • Students and staff should use fragrance-free hand sanitizer when hand washing is not practicable. Sanitizer must be rubbed into hands until completely dry.


  • Portable hand washing stations will be placed throughout the site to help promote the use of routine hand washing and avoid congregations in bathrooms.


  • Students and staff will regularly wash their hands throughout the day.

Washing Window

7. Identification & Tracing of Contacts

  • Any student or staff that exhibits COVID-19 symptoms will be placed in a designated isolation room. The parent/guardian will be called to pick up the student immediately.


  • A trained staff will contact the individual or parent and will require they take a COVID-19 test. They will also be asked to identify individuals who they have been in close contact with.


  • If the individual is positive for COVID-19, the local health department will be notified, contact tracing will take place, and the cohort will be asked to quarantine as well as take a COVID-19 test. 


  • The COVID-19 positive individual, as well as the cohort, will be required to quarantine for 14 days and show a negative COVID-19 test before returning to campus. 


8. Physical Distancing

  • We will utilize outdoor teaching to minimize time spent indoors. This includes part day or all day instruction outside if weather is permissible.


  • Parents will utilize a drop off/pick up system to minimize the number of people on campus and minimize contact between adults at all times. This includes staggering arrival and drop off-times and locations as consistently as practicable as to minimize scheduling challenges for families. 


  • Students will remain in the same cohort as consistently as practicable. Students will stay with the same teachers/staff to the greatest extent practicable to minimize movement of students and teachers. 


  • Maximize space between seating and desks. Ex: six feet between desks where practicable, markings on classroom floors to promote distancing and arranging desks in a way that minimizes face-to-face contact.


  • Teachers will have instructions for maximizing spacing and ways to minimize movement in both indoor and outdoor spaces that are easy for students to understand and are developmentally appropriate.


  • Minimize congregate movement through hallways as much as practicable. Ex: utilizing hallways in a one-way format to the extent practicable.


  • Ensuring physical distancing between students during snack/lunch breaks and recess. 

Taking Notes

9. Staff Training & Family Education

  • All staff will be trained and educational materials will be provided to families in the following safety actions: enhanced sanitation practices, physical distancing guidelines and their importance, proper use, removal, and washing of face coverings, screening practices, how COVID-19 is spread, COVID-19 specific symptom identification, preventing the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick, and procedures to follow when children or adults become sick at school.


10. Testing of Students & Staff

  • ​All staff and students must present a negative COVID-19 test result within a week prior to returning to campus. 


  • Any staff or student who exhibits

       symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to        quarantine and take a COVID-19 test



  • All students and staff who travel will be required to present a negative COVID-19 test result prior to returning to campus.


  • Staff will be tested periodically to identify any potential asymptomatic cases.

Boy Reading Tablet

11. Distance Learning


  • In the event that an individual in a cohort tests positive for COVID-19, the cohort will switch to distance learning for the quarantine period of 14 days.


  • In the event that 5% of the schools population tests positive for COVID-19 at one time, all in-person school will be paused and distance learning will take place for the quarantine period of 14 days.

Laptop Work

12. Communication

  • Parents/guardians and staff will be notified immediately by school administration in the event of a suspected positive COVID-19 case or a positive COVID-19 case. 


  • The names of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 will not be released.


  • Parents/guardians and staff will be required to communicate with school administration for any COVID-19 related issues or concerns. 

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